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Unit Contributions to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion 6532

Academic Years: 
East Asian Languages
1. Faculty: 

EALL faculty teach and research the languages, cultures, societies, and literatures of East Asia, which provide students windows into an interconnected global and multilingual world, and prepare students for engagements with diverse cultural products, perspectives, and practices.

EALL TTF faculty conduct research pertinent to diversity including linguistic and conceptual diversity, gender issues, literary representation of cultural minorities and diasporas, and identity development etc.

EALL faculty are encouraged to participate in TEP workshops and trainings in diversity and inclusion in the classroom.

EALL organizes departmental teacher training in learner-centered pedagogy that addresses diverse learner needs and learning styles.

EALL faculty participate/present at IntroDucktion, Duck Days, Yamada Language Center/Language Council events, as well as at the annual FLIS Day each spring (Foreign Language & International Studies Day) to promote the learning of foreign languages and cultural understanding.

EALL faculty Roy Chan used UMRP funds awarded to him for two events that promoted diversity and inclusion:

Sinophonic Detours Symposium (Spring 2017): an all-day symposium that brought together three renowned scholars and which brought intellectual awareness to minority communities in the Sinophone world.

We hosted speaker Prof. Andrew Leong (Northwestern U, Spring 2017). In addition to a public lecture, he led a workshop for graduate students across humanities departments, and we invited underrepresented grad students and faculty from English, Romance languages, COLT, EALL, and Ethnic Studies. 

2. Staff: 

EALL staff are strongly committed to the creation of an inclusive, respectful, and equitable work environment.

EALL staff work together with the UO Accessible Education Center to ensure accessibility for all students as it relates to classroom instruction and assessment.

3. Graduate Programs: 

The Department of EALL actively seeks and implements national best practices for the recruitment and retention of graduate students, including both masters and doctoral students.

EALL offers its graduate employees a wide range of teaching opportunities, including the teaching of East Asian languages, films, literatures, and societies, to prepare them for future academic careers.

The department's graduate program also pursues URM funding for eligible students. Two graduate students have been awarded the Promising Scholar Funding in the last three years.

4. Undergraduate Programs: 

EALL faculty are dedicated to the education of undergraduates from diverse backgrounds with culturally, linguistically, and literarily enriched and enagaging programs for Chinese and Japanese majors and minors, and Korean minors, as well as other UO students learning East Asian Languages.

EALL Recruits students from underrepresented minority communities into the Chinese Flagship program, provides overseas linguistic and cultural experiences for these students in China and Taiwan, and assist them to reach professional proficiencies and cultural competence in Chinese.

5. Outreach and Partnerships: 

EALL faculty undertake regular exchanges and collaborations with Portland Public Schools to promote K-16 articulation within the Chinese Flagship program.

1. University Service: 

EALL office staff regularly assist graduate and undergraduate students in a range of areas both inside and outside the classroom. Especially vital to student success is the investment they make in assisting international students, introducing them to the university system and life in Eugene, and in helping with all levels of cultural integration to make their transition to the UO smooth and successful.

2. Departmental Contributions: 

EALL office staff regularly assist graduate and undergraduate students in a range of areas both inside and outside the classroom. Especially vital to student success is the investment they make in assisting international students, introducing them to the university system and life in Eugene, and in helping with all levels of cultural integration to make their transition to the UO smooth and successful.
EALL posts job advertisements for faculty and staff positions in venues that emphasize the recruitment of minorities. Faculty and staff searches incorporate considerations of equity, diversity, and cultural understanding and gender-neutral practices in application review.

3. Community Service and Outreach: 

EALL engages with local Chinese and Japanese immersion schools to build community and develop partnership.

EALL Chinese Flagship conduct regular outreaches to Portland Public Schools and other schools in the Pacific Northwest to recruit a diverse body of students

4. Professional Development and Training: 
EALL office manager attends HR meetings which highlight Diversity and Inclusion topics.